Workplace Bullying Is On The Rise.

It's Time To Put A Lid On It.

This webinar will explore strategies to assist organisations in putting a lid on workplace bullying, keeping people safe and protecting your workplace culture.

Karen Maher: Founder, SmartCulture
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Across Australasia, workplace bullying statistics - before the pandemic - were already concerning. Now, with all of the additional stressors arising from these challenging times, they are skyrocketing.

In the movies, we always know who the bully is. They’re either aggressive and physically threatening, or they’re the Queen Bee, judgemental and manipulative. For some reason however, Hollywood doesn’t always paint the most realistic picture of bullies, especially the intricate bully-victim dynamic that permeates the workplace.

What constitutes workplace bullying? 

In truth, we don’t always know what bullying is. Sometimes bullying is covert and inconspicuous. Sometimes, it’s not that easy to stand up and put things right.

It’s critical that we stay vigilant and learn to recognise the more subtle signs of bullying. The negative impacts from poor workplace behaviours are simply enormous. They impact the health and safety, morale, culture, and productivity of both the individual, and organisation. 

In this presentation leading workplace culture expert, Karen Maher, will share her insights and refocus your teams and leaders on the importance of respectful behaviours to minimise the risk of bullying, and ultimately enhance your culture.

What you will learn 
  • The key risk areas right now with workplace bullying and psychological safety
  • Crucial strategies to assist organisations in putting a lid on workplace bullying, keeping people safe and protecting your workplace culture
  • Why prevention and authentic leadership are essential to winning the game against workplace bullying.
Who will benefit from this webinar?
CEOs, Heads of HR, Chief People Officers, Heads of Wellbeing & Safety, HR Managers, Health and Safety Managers, Senior Executives, and Health, Safety & Wellbeing professionals.

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Group 4396

Meet the speaker

Karen Maher

Karen Maher

Founder, SmartCulture

Karen Maher is a leading Australian WHS + Culture consultant, and keynote speaker. Karen partners with and presents to a diverse range of industries and clients across Australia - from the NRL, to retail, tech, health, construction, manufacturing, legal and accounting firms, government agencies, emergency services, and everything in between.


Karen’s experience spans over 18 years, initially as an employment and safety lawyer in Australia and the UK. In 2010, Karen left law to start her own consultancy. She is the founder of SmartCulture® and has worked on over 300 cases from all parts of the process including legal, investigations, advisory and process improvement.


Karen is passionate about the prevention of psychosocial hazards such as bullying and sexual harassment and focuses on the fundamentals of great culture and leadership to make this happen.