Health, Safety And Wellbeing

Do We Systemise Or Humanise? Or Both?

This webinar will explore strategies to build a better, healthier and safer working world by moving beyond the ideology of ‘Zero Harm’, towards an ethos of ‘Plus One’and positive contribution

Andi Csontos, Partner, EY Australia
Amy McKie, Director, EY Australia
Thursday, 11th May | 12 noon AEST, 2pm NZST | 1 hr
In Partnership With

About this webinar:

In this webinar, we will examine the case for HSW transformation and shifting towards an ethos of ‘Plus One’ and positive contribution. We will discuss how you maintain momentum on HSW with transformative strategies that are appropriate for current tough times.

Through story-telling, we will explore how organisations can become more agile, integrated, simplified and focused, sharing real-life case studies of worker-led problem solving, HSW simplification, human-centred design and innovation. We will provide participants with practical and pragmatic ideas for re-designing work, removing layers of complexity, reducing work stress and improving engagement / productivity.

EY's HSW philosophy:
Our impact on health, safety and wellbeing (HSW), hinges on our willingness and ability to challenge the status quo, to be compassionate, curious and courageous, to ask better questions and seek smarter answers:
  • How do we build a better, healthier and safer working world?
  • How can we transform HSW for better outcomes?
  • How do we move beyond the ideology of ‘Zero Harm’, towards an ethos of ‘Plus One’and positive contribution?

EY published its case for HSW transformation in March 2022 How can we transform health, safety and wellbeing to be future fit? Since its publication, the world has (and will continue to) become more volatile, uncertain, and ambiguous - the global economic and geopolitical landscape continues to evolve and disrupt. Organisations face significant upheaval and pressures and the context within which we are searching for answers and trying to effect change is increasingly complex. Nonetheless, our challenge remains: to work differently and to humanise HSW.

Who will benefit from this webinar?
Anyone interested in achieving significant HSW improvement or leading change programs including Board Members, Directors, Leaders and Senior Executives, Heads of HSW, ESG and HR, HSW, ESG and HR managers and professionals

Sign up now!

Group 4396

Meet the speakers

Andi Csontos-2

Andi Csontos

EY Oceania Climate Change and Sustainability Partner

Andi is a senior strategy partner and accomplished design thinker with 25 years of HSW experience. With her background and qualifications in psychology and safety
science, she brings a holistic approach and business pragmatism to the organisational and people challenges of safety, mental and physical health, and wellbeing.


Andi is regularly sought after as a global thought leader and facilitator, recognised for her insights on strategy, culture change and measuring success. She helps her clients deliver business outcomes through engaging people in healthier and safer work.

Amie McKie

Amy McKie

EY Oceania Climate Change and Sustainability Director

Amy is an experienced designer of organisational HSW strategies, operating models, and transformation programs to drive better health and safety outcomes. She brings with her over 15 years of HSW consulting experience, delivering services to both public and private sector organisations.

Amy led the development of EY’s Health and Safety Maturity Model which has become a foundational component of EY’s global safety culture change programs delivered for clients
across diverse industries and sectors. She contributes a robust governance and risk management focus to all projects work environments.