Handling with Care: Optimising Injury Management for Efficiency & Wellbeing

Hosted by:
Craig Bleakley, Safety and Risk Consultant, ecoPortal


Watch the Recording



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In this Lunch 'n' Learn session, Craig Bleakley, our resident Safety and Risk Consultant (PractNZISM), explores how Health & Safety leaders are tackling injury management challenges, prioritising worker wellbeing, and improving return to work outcomes.

Watch this recording to:

  • Understand your compliance obligations related to injuries & claims;
  • Opening the lines of communication with external parties, and with the injured worker;
  • Prioritising the wellbeing of the injured worker while they’re at home;
  • Identifying and enabling early intervention measures;
  • Strategies for streamlining injury and claims processes to improve efficiency and return to work outcomes.
Presentation Slides
Screenshot 2024-06-06 at 8.14.06 PM


Group 4396

Meet your host


Craig Bleakley

Safety & Risk Consultant, ecoPortal

Craig Bleakley, an accredited OHS professional through the New Zealand Institute of Safety Management. With a wealth of experience, Craig has dedicated a number of years to delivering consultancy services focused on health and safety risk management across a variety of organisations. 

Throughout his career, Craig has successfully implemented various digital systems for clients, collaborating closely with ecoPortal even before officially becoming part of the team in 2021.