Client Success Stories
For over a century, Vitaco has been has been at the forefront of health and wellness. With ecoPortal, they have the tools where their people can thrive while empowering healthier lives.
Bank of New Zealand
Discover how BNZ transformed its approach to psychosocial safety with ecoPortal, creating a safer, more responsive environment for staff amidst rising customer challenges.
As Bluestar leads the way in New Zealand’s print and communication solutions, their partnership with ecoPortal will enable them set the standard for excellence in the industry.
With ecoPortal at the helm, Argenta continues to forge ahead, setting new benchmarks for safety standards in the dynamic landscape of animal health. The results speak for themselves.
Hamilton City Council
Hamilton City Council delivers the big city essentials—roads, water works, parks, playgrounds, arts and culture institutions and with ecoPortal helps keep the city safe.
With ecoPortal, Southpac is enabling every single employee across the country, on both mobile and desktop, with faster safety responses and a greater sense of responsibility.
Holmes Group
Safety at Holmes Group is the lens that shapes how every individual part of the process is undertaken. ecoPortal echoes their innovative thinking and safety culture.
Nexus Logistics
ecoPortal at Nexus Logistics is keeping safety top-of-mind while the company is keeping track of all the moving parts in a successful logistics business. "The success is reflected in the numbers..."
Alexander Group
Alexander Group distributes compressed gas across the country. With ecoPortal - staff is empowered, incident reporting is easier, reporting to the board is simpler.
Wellington Zoo
The Wellington Zoo partnership with ecoPortal has been a great success - the amount of reporting has gone up, the Board loves it and managers across the organisation are well informed.
Foodstuffs North Island
For Foodstuffs, keeping people safe means the croissants are baked, the shelves stocked and most importantly, the staff are happy. Foodstuffs love how ecoPortal is configured to their business needs.
Altus, a leading aluminium company, has innovation as the core essence of everything they do. Instead of buying a system and changing processes to fit, ecoPortal allowed the system to fit what they do.
XLam, Australasia’s leading innovator and supplier of cross-laminated timber is building a fortified safety culture. ecoPortal made health and safety a seamless and integrated process as their business scaled up.
Site Safe
Site Safe audits are the ‘gold standard’ for the construction sector, and as complexity increased, ecoPortal has helped streamline their processes, improve service and save administrative costs.